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Old 08-29-2010, 03:41 PM
plasorsa plasorsa is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 48
Default August 11, 1914 Letter From Ed Harter of Indianapolis

I recently purchased a letter written by Ed Harter of the Indianapolis Federal League. It was written on August 11, 1914 to H.W. Lanigan, editor of The Base Ball World, 1508 W. Dearborn St. Chicago Il.

The letter says
"Dear Sirs, The supply of Base Ball World sent to our Park has been entirely exhausted, in fact the fans fought for them and am glad to advise that the fans didn't leave them lying on the ground but took them home. We had five boys distributing them and the fans curious to know what was being distributed congregated around but their curiousity soon turned to anxiety when they found The Base Ball World and they were nearly all gone. They fairly fought for them. Pleased to state no one was killed in the rush. Federal fans appreciate your dandy paper but no more than we do ourselves. We are certainly for you and appreciate your fairness to our new league. With Kindest Regards"

I am Yours Very Truly,

Ed W. Harter (his actual signature in fountain pen)

Business Manager
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