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Old 09-19-2009, 11:26 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default E91 Reulbach

I have mentioned that most of the E91A cards share a facial likeness to the actual subject, which is then attached to a generic body, but 5 years or more ago I believe it was Runscott who shared a full-body pitching photo of Reulbach, either on the net54 site or for crying out loud the old Full Count board, that is exactly the same as pictured on his E91 cards. I didn't save the image (old computer crash go boom), but because of its existence I believe the artists used available photo sources to create these cards. As my article stresses it seems that most of these photos were portraits, but like in the case of Reulbach fuller body shots could have been used on a handful as well. Maybe someone can track down the Reulbach side action shot, or perhaps runscott could come out of the woodworks and help make my point.

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