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Old 07-12-2014, 04:11 PM
mrvster mrvster is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4,294
Default Scrap are

like "snow flakes" , each one is unique onto themselves....

rare backs are not as rare as the scraps.....the natural progression of collecting rarities will lite up the prices on this small sub population of cards...

I used to think it was a "few" of us driving up the prices, but the reality is the market is growing for these, and the supply is shrinking! I have a business degree(B.S. from the college of N.J.)....spent many years studying economics.....statistics......ect......but you don't even need to read to understand these things are .....the fact is, the prices will climb on these relative to rare backs and the Wagner....proofs....Plank ......natural will easy prediction for me.....

I have not bid hard on any cards in a while, nor have some of the "few" in this market....much more interest has gained through EDUCATION OF WHAT SCRAP IS!

If any one needs to know, you can of the set is key....

I made no point in "hiding" what these are.....I have simply tried to educate "what" they are over the years....KINDA like shooting myself in the foot....I could've kept them quiet and kept scooping them up "cheap" on ebay when no one cared....Instead, I decided to divulge the actual significance/rarity of them in correlation to the printing/ history of this iconic set.....

Now I can't even afford one!!....yes bitter sweet in that my collection increases in value, but that not why I "hype" them up.....if that was the case, id be a "flipper" and make money off them.....everyone that knows me , knows I cant part with them(unless WAgner one day)......these cards have yet to be even realized their true potential/ rarity...

tell me, would you rather own a card where there are multiple , or very few examples?? and the all look the same??? or would you like to own the MErritt with a HOFER ONLY ONE...ghosted on front????

try to find a similar example of these....THEY DONT EXIST!!!

Paul has his "niche" and I think its a great one.....the actual players have HELD his my eyes, they have been touched with magic......and are priceless.....I respect the set....and will's always giving up secrets, even after 100 years!.....scrap are the hidden gems...

this is just my humble opinion......I believe in these cards 100% ....I'm an ordinary guy just extremely intrigued by these cards, and have figured out some secrets very few have....I'm willing to share with the's a cumulative of my observations and conversations with others like me...

these cards will grow exponentially.....

if any one has one and would like to part with a scrap, PLEASE email or PM me....

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