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Old 02-18-2010, 12:33 PM
Brian-Chidester Brian-Chidester is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 148


With regards to the T215-1 Pirate backs (or whatever label you choose to give to this series), I know very little about them. I've never seen one in person and very few online scans.

The only reason I know anything at all about the T213 series is because I own one card from the first series and one from the second: a beater Miller Huggins (series 1) and an Otto Knabe (series 2), both of which have paper loss on the back, with the Huggins being heavily creased up. I bought these back around 1988 and had no idea for YEARS that they WEREN'T part of the T206 series. The blue type on the Knabe made me curious, but I kept them as part of my T206 collection nevertheless, and still do with the Huggins (he being one of only three HOF'ers that I had as a kid, all beaters, all with paper loss: Collins and McGraw-finger-pointing being the others).

I'd love to run across a beater T215-1 or Pirate Cigarettes for what I paid for my T213s back in 1988, but the chances in this day and age, with the internet and all, are slim and none.
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