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Old 10-10-2008, 08:29 AM
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Default The Death of Direct Sales

Posted By: Anonymous

Couple of things:

1. Someone posted that McCain hired Karl Rove - I don't think that is true. He hired someone that used to work for Karl Rove.

2. A lot of the comments expressed show just why we end up with elected officials that are basically not the best we should hope for. Obama isn't a Muslim. Did he attend the church he did for some non-religious (ie political)reasons? Perhaps, but does his pastor saying some controversial things make him unqualified....I don't think so. To me the whole story that should be reported is Obama's start in politics - the choices that he's made to further his political career, and what exactly took place when he won his first election by keeping some oppontents off the ballot - that would tell us much more about the man.

3. The USA sure as heck should be hoping for better days ahead!! I love our country, but we are kidding ourselves if we don't think that we've lost ground over the past 8 years.

4. The attacks on Sarah Palin are just as bad as those on Obama. She has a short record, fair enough - so does Obama. She comes from a small rural state - fair enough. Then attack her positions and look at her judgement. From what I know, she has shown some decent judgement in Alaska - she went against her party on a bill that basically discriminated against gays. She is balancing the budget. She stood up for her state against oil companies AND reached a reasonable settlement that benefited both sides. I agree she gave a poor interview. But I wouldn't want to be judged by one or two bad days.

5, It amazes me that no one is running for office on some kind of common sense platform. Balance the budget. Yes some rich and upper income people will pay more taxes. And Yes, everyone must pay some taxes - no matter how little. Yes social spending will be cut. Yes government employees will have pay freezes and cuts. Yes the military will have cuts. Yes no one will be happy with all the decisions that go along with this. yes social security will be addressed and modified. And yes some tough choices will be made in government provided medical care, especially at the end of life.

Don't want to be negative, but it seems to a certain extent that we've gone from being a country where when a man found himself "down and out" it was expected that he'd pick himself back a country that elects whomever promises the most to that down and out guy for free (along with anyone within 3 income brackets).

Along with that, the fact that 1/2 people pay no taxes is a terrible thing IMO. My father made very little money. He paid Federal income taxes his entire working life....He never expected anything from the government. We had a roof over our heads and food on the table (but not always in the refrigerator as my dad liked to say - ie we scraped by sometimes). I just don't understand the way that some people think that if you don't have everything you might want, that the government should be providing.

It is time for a change - I just wish we had Colin Powell running to be the first African American president - as he is a self proclaimed fiscal conservative. And I trust him. Personally I think that McCain will be just as ineffective as Bush. Obama has a chance to be a really good president, but we really know very little about his judgement and core values. But I think the majority of American's will chance it and go for Obama. And lets all hope that he does a good job (which is different than he achieves all his idealogical objectives).

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