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Old 10-04-2007, 05:25 PM
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Default ratio of psa 8 graded t206 cards to ungraded cards that would grade 8 or better?

Posted By: JimB

Perhaps an interesting question would be how long any given card remains in one collection. Lionel Carter's '33 Goudeys remained in his collection for 74 years, but I doubt that is the norm. I would seriously doubt there are many more original collections of '33 Goudeys in the hands of people who bought them in packs.

So my question is: How many of you have seen a nm/mt T206 change hands either publically or privately in the past ten years that was not graded? Sure, there are a lot of low and mid-grade raw T206s around and that change hands in raw form (I own close to 500 of them), but the last high-grade T206 I saw for sale that was not graded (or trimmed) was probably close to a dozen years ago. So the question is: How often do they change hands since when they do, they are graded. If 80% change hands more frequently than every fifteen years or so, then probably 80% of them are graded. And while there are some, like Frank, who do not get their cards graded that stay in their collections, many other people do.

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