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Old 01-25-2019, 09:46 PM
esehombre esehombre is offline
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Originally Posted by Collect Equity View Post
EseHombre & Copa7 - Thank you both for the very informative thread. I love learning more about soccer history.

Copa7 - I am a little confused about the picture you showed above. My understanding is this picture you showed is from the 1930 Milano - Berlin exhibition game, which you are saying is the same game from the two mentioned cards in the thread. However, the uniform of the picture you showed includes a cross and another symbol on the upper left chest of the uniform, whereas the uniform in the two cards don't have this symbol. So wouldn't that mean that the two cards have an image of a game other than this one (or that Meazza wore two different uniforms for the game, which I doubt)? Maybe it was a different year exhibition if it is indeed showing Berlin in the second card? Or maybe I am misunderstanding?

Thanks again both of you for the very interesting thread.
Thanks Collect Equity and i didnt see your post until i posted my last response--I think it answers your questions though. You are correct they are 2 different uniforms but i will let Copa7 respond and see if there is something more. It does add another layer but your questions are valid (and i dont think it is a Berlin uniform on the 2nd card--I believe it to be Novara FC). Thanks for your input as well.
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