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Old 07-29-2006, 06:49 PM
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Default W517 unnumbered variations- So now there are two?

Posted By: Gilbert Maines

That is a keeper, Frank.

You see - if we were 10 years old and I was explaining this Champion Draw stuff to you, I'd tell you that we don't risk flipping that card, because we need it for the Legends of the Game game which we play.

And when you put in your penny, you draw a strip of three cards, three cards for a penny! But you have to rip them apart yourself. But nobody cares how good you rip them (except in maybe 50 or 100 years, some old guys who ain't even born yet might care how neat and clean these cards are. And they could even set up whole companies to tell them how good a ripper you are. Yeah, right)

But not only do you get three cards for a penny, some are also marked with ink. Those with red ink, you show to the storekeeper and get a large candy bar. Those with green ink, same thing, but you only get a regular size candy bar.

But not only that. You see? All of the cards are the same color, but eventually that color changes drastically when this color runs out. If you are the first to get a new color strip - you show it to the storekeeper and he will give you a brand new baseball !!

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