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Old 01-17-2018, 04:07 PM
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BradH BradH is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Georgia
Posts: 498
Default Do it!

I've made 10-11 trips to Cooperstown -- at ALL times of year and as recently as this past October with my son. I was there last July for the induction, which was my fourth induction weekend.

In my opinion, the "it's so crowded" argument is very overrated. Are the crowds big? Sure. But with that said, it's not hard to get around at all. The village is easy to walk around. Yes, you might have to pick your spots to eat lunch or dinner, but it's really not a big deal.

The one thing that is tough to do on induction weekend is to actually go into the HOF and spend time looking around comfortably. I've seen that the lines are long and heard it's packed (I don't really go into the HOF on induction weekend because of this). I understand that this could be a big deal for you if you've never been and you want to see the museum.

And I don't think staying in Albany or another similar place will be a problem at all for you. I've known many people who have done it and not had any issues.

My advice is to go this year for the induction -- you're right that you won't likely see another Brave in a while. Do it and enjoy the memories.

And make sure to check out the baseball card show at the VFW!

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