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Old 12-18-2017, 08:01 PM
x2drich2000 x2drich2000 is offline
(DJ) Rich.ard.s
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,201

I didn't see anything regarding the types of consignments you are looking to have which I think that would plays significantly into the details of what I would expect/want, but overall I think everything can be generalized by 2 words: transparency and integrity. Low buyers premium doesn't mean a thing if people are getting shilled. Shipping that is fair, even if it is more than the postal rate, as long as we know we aren't going to be screwed and represents the packaging that is required. An honest representations of the item, which includes very clear picture(s), a description when necessary to point out a flaw that can't be seen, and accurate titles. Clear communication on what you expect the item to sell for before taking the consignment.

Like Rhett said, the person behind the auction house plays a big part. There are a lot of reasons LOTG, REA, Sterling, etc are so popular, but I think it really comes down to the owners of the business. Each of the owners has spent years/decades building their reputation and contacts within the hobby. I'm also not trying to be rude, but I would seriously ask yourself how well known are you in the hobby and how will that impact your ability to gather consignments and for people to trust you with their consignments.

Current Wantlist:
E92 Nadja - Bescher, Bridwell, Cobb, Donovan, Doolan, Doyle (with bat), Lobert, Mathewson, Miller (fielding), Tinker, Wagner (throwing), Zimmerman
E/T Young Backrun - Need E90-1, T216 (all versions)
E92 Red Crofts - Anyone especially Barry, Shean, and Evers
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