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Old 01-07-2017, 01:58 PM
mrmopar mrmopar is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Pacific Northwest
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I have a social security card that I signed sometime before graduating from high school. My signature was very readable at that time, somewhat childlike (I was a minor after all). I think it really started to transform when I joined the Navy and all of the sudden I was signing a lot of paperwork. Then I am standing watches and signing logs frequently and it just became easier to scribble. I sold service contracts and wrote letters early in my career and was signing contracts and documents often, further transitioning my signature into the scribble it is today. I can understand how a celebrity signature turns into a scribble based on the hobby and how often they are asked to sign something. It is unfortunate, but I don't see it ever returning to the days of deliberate cursive writing. I just sat down and asked my boys (12 & 14) if they even learned cursive. Both said in 3rd grade, but both admitted to not remembering how certain upper case letters were formed. Although I remember, writing them out felt awkward. That is definitely a lost art form.
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