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Old 06-26-2015, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by rats60 View Post
It's questionable that Jackson threw any games. His actual performance suggests that he didn’t. There is no doubt that Rose bet on games as a player and manager. Pete knew the rules when he put himself above the game. Now he is paying the price, forever banned from the game and hof. The idea that players would ignore the cardinal rule of baseball and would want induct Pete makes no sense.
Yup, I was under the impression he played pretty well.

"Debate has raged ever since over the extent of Jackson’s participation in the scheme. He claimed his teammates gave his name to the gamblers even though he hadn’t agreed to participate, and the other players admitted that Jackson never attended meetings about the fix. Though Jackson signed a confession in 1920 stating that he was paid $5,000 (out of the $20,000 he was promised), he later asserted that a team lawyer manipulated him into signing a document he didn’t fully understand. (Jackson never learned to read or write.) He also said he tried to return the money and talk to White Sox owner Charles Comiskey about the plan both before and after the series, but was rebuffed.

And finally, there’s the matter of Jackson’s play on the field. During the 1919 championship, the slugger made no errors and racked up 12 hits, a World Series record that stood until 1964. His batting average for the series (.375) was the highest on either team. If Jackson did try to throw the championship, his supporters argue, he did a pretty poor job. In any event, after the 1921 ban Jackson played “outlaw” ball under an assumed name before retiring to his hometown of Greenville, South Carolina, where he eventually owned a liquor store. He made various efforts to be reinstated, all of which were denied, before his death in 1951."

Last edited by RTK; 06-26-2015 at 08:47 PM.
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