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Old 11-21-2007, 01:10 PM
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Default Kevin Saucier - Adding Value

Posted By: Bottom of the Ninth

If it is only 15% that are not graded accurately that still means they are right 85 times out of 100. As a baseball player you could make a pretty good living however as a brain surgeon you might not do so well.

I am wondering what the sample size is. I might even say the number is higher than 15% considering all grading companies. SGC certainly would tilt the scale to a much lower percentage whereas some of the other companies might not do so well.

If I go look through some of the photos of cards from some of the top PSA registered sets, I would not be comfortable taking a card out of many of those holders and expect it to grade anything more than AUTHENTIC. Granted that is based on a photo of a card inside of the holder but I would not want to own those cards. Would rather have the EX and lower material in my collection. There are some mighty small cards that appear to not have a single 90 degree angle corner. Optical illusion??


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