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Old 01-21-2010, 06:15 PM
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Default Fred

Originally Posted by GoldenAge50s View Post
Fred - you're not being charged anything

Yes I realize that part--Thank Goodness! I used alot of the high priced options!

As far the issue goes - were the items already live when you tried to change categories?

Yes--that's when I discovered my error, BUT, I had no bids so I should be allowed to change just about anything w/out charge (per Ebay rules, anyhow!)
Hey Fred
Matt is out for a while but you won't be charged for changing things when no bids have taken place. I can't imagine that would be a good deal. Now, I could see the small fee to start an auction initially, but not another charge to change it. That wouldn't be fair. Hang in there and we will get an answer for this, and please continue to let us know what is going on so we can tend to it. It's appreciated very much. regards
Leon Luckey