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Old 10-14-2015, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by MooseDog View Post

We are in Northern California, and the vast majority of the estates we have done the underlying desire is, "we are going to sell the house, we just want it cleared out." As most of you probably know, housing prices in California are insane. Despite the fact that the people we deal with grew up in these houses, they can't wait to cash in.

7) At the moment, the general state of the market for used items (estate sales and auctions like ours) is really, really, soft for just about everything except the high end. The buyers who come to our auctions are mostly flippers and are willing to pay very little for the risk. It's been somewhat sad to see entire house contents sell for under $3000 sometimes knowing that the person spent a lifetime accumulating those things. The experience has made me totally think hard about what "things" I choose to keep in my life.
I had to "dispose" of my Mom's estate and house 10 years ago. I wouldn't say I couldn't "wait to cash in," but my Mom was in a different state and I did need to clear out and sell the house.

I was happy with the auction company but I must echo what MooseDog said...most of her stuff sold for pennies on the dollar. $5000 couches were sold for 100 bucks. The only things that made any decent money were formica or fiberglass "mid-century modern" pieces. The auction company did a good job of advertising the sale on their website and I'm sure if there had been baseball stuff, "us guys" would have been there.
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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