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Old 02-05-2012, 03:42 PM
novakjr novakjr is offline
David Nova.kovich Jr.
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: 20 miles east of the Mistake
Posts: 2,269

Not a Hall of Famer yet. But I met Jim Thome a signing he did at a car dealership about 13 years ago.

Funny story though. The originally signing date was apparently cancelled and a bunch of people didn't know about it. The dealership had closed for the night, and most people left, but a few of us hung around, bullshitting about sports for a little bit. Luckily, someone forgot to let the rib-joint across the street know about the cancellation too, so the delivery guy came with a huge tray of ribs(at least 5 racks), and just left 'em for us since he couldn't do anything else with 'em.. Great free meal. Plus I managed to get up there for the rescheduled signing a week later.. He seemed like a great guy. Most players I've encountered at signing just rush you through, scribble on your stuff and shuffle you right along with minimum interaction. He took his time and talked with everyone, it was a very pleasant experience.
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