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Old 12-27-2023, 02:12 PM
mrmopar mrmopar is offline
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There are a number of collectors/sellers who have checklisted these unlicensed cards. I can't recall his seller name, but Tim Piechel (any this may be a misspelling) is one. He'll send out lists by player or set of oddball stuff that he sells.

I don't know if any of these checklists reside online or in print form though.

I have a few dozen sets of these types of cards myself stashed away that I collected when I was getting as many cards as I could find for Frank Thomas and just oddball sets in general. My goal is to eventually scan and post these types of cards online for documentation, but also in preparation of selling off.

(and I may have spelled that wrong)
Originally Posted by steve B View Post
At some point someone will have to catalog these unlicensed cards.

Not a popular viewpoint, but coming from an era when the big companies massively over produced I sort of like them. We're headed for 40 years after they were made, and they're in a strange place. The occasional dealer will have boxes full of a handful of complete sets very cheaply. But they're all so ignored by the hobby that finding a particular one isn't always a simple thing.
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