Thread: New card
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Old 06-25-2019, 08:01 AM
griffon512 griffon512 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 365

Originally Posted by VWruss View Post
Rags to riches in Harrodsburg,Ky. I bought it Sunday. I am not sure if a refund is even an option at this point. I was aloof about the money only because what else can I do after being such a fool too buy it in the first place. I have never called into question anyone's competency to judge a card and appreciate the insight provided greatly but when I am personally attacked about my I integrity it really gets under my skin. Perhaps that was mo ones intent but it sure started heading that way fast. Thanks again for your help.
ok. let us/me know if you want some help getting your money back. feel free to send me a direct message with your contact info.

there are a lot of indications that the card is fake. the biggest giveaway in my opinion is the tone and composition of the stock used to make your fake card is nothing close to that of a vintage card. the tone is much too dark on the back versus real e102s (google search for more back examples) and the "breakage" (how the card shows wear over time) on the back is very different than how a vintage card would show breakage. there are giveaways on the front too without even using a black light, but there is enough on the back that even a non-expert could spot a fake.

as you may be beginning to see, there is a whole cottage industry designed to produce fake vintage and other cards. the etsy store with a quantity of fake e102 cobbs is just one example.
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