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Old 03-17-2017, 10:38 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
If you believe everything on the internet then....

According to the investigation the three were seen in a bar prior to the time they got in the boat. The assumption is that the three were probably together for a while during the evening. Yes, alcohol tends to screw up your judgement (like letting you pile drive your boat at over 65MPH into a jetty on a clear evening) but you have to figure in today's day and age you just need to be smarter when you decide to get into a vehicle with someone that is not in total control. I guess it could have looked worse if Jose was driving his vehicle (on the way to getting to his boat) and slammed it into a tree at 100MPH (killing all three) because society is less tolerant of drinking and then driving a 4 wheeled motor vehicle.

The time line is pretty interesting. Investigators seem to have it nailed down pretty good. The way I see things is that people "own" the consequences of their poor decisions.

I want my kids growing up knowing that consequences of their poor decisions is on them and nobody else.

It becomes a broader issue, people who drink go with designated drives. So if the people are drunk and dont realize their designated driver is too drunk to drive and an accident happens, its again the passengers to blame? I can see a failure in trust but thats not the same as being responsible for the accident.

The passengers didnt decide to drive, It was Jose. If Jose decided not to drive and nobody drove, then no accident happens.

I really think you just have to blame the driver on this who decided to man the wheel. It makes it a lot easier. If we go around blaming passengers for auto accidents for the fact of just getting into the car or boat thats a pretty slippery slope.

Afterall, we are trying to prevent impaired people from driving. Accidents end right there if people dont drive impaired. We dont need to get into the nitty gritty of what the passengers knew/how impaired were they/etc etc

Last edited by 1952boyntoncollector; 03-17-2017 at 10:39 AM.
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