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Old 06-14-2019, 01:59 PM
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RiceBondsMntna2Young RiceBondsMntna2Young is offline
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Posts: 36

PWCC is obviously the greater danger here, given all the PWCC fanboys tying themselves in knots trying to defend a company corrupt to the core.

PWCCs danger is illustrated here. No one defends Moser. He's scum. It's consensus. PWCC is the one with the veneer of respectability. It's the cover people seem to use to try and defend their practices. In turn, they're given further cover by PWCC, whose goal it is to normalize the arguably criminal and unarguably unethical methodology by which they run their racket. They, like many here defending them, want to maintain the status quo because it's lining their pocket. It's disgusting.

I really think there are some motivations here that should be brought to light. I'm just guessing but I think defenders of PWCC to a man have something to lose if PWCC goes down. Either their cards are in the vault, or they've made a lot of money over the years consigning to this shadiest of shady auction houses.
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