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Old 10-12-2011, 03:24 PM
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Jaybird Jaybird is offline
J@son M1ller
Join Date: May 2010
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Default How about this...

Is it just me or can you not even see a bigger image on a closed ebay listing. Used to be that you could pull up an old listing and then enlarge the image, just like it was when it was a live listing. Now, you can't enlarge the thumbnail once the listing is closed.

So, what if I'm a buyer and I get an item in the mail that is creased or some other way different from the image in the description. Now I can't even compare the image in the description to the item I just received. Oy.

I know they are selling all of the ebay history through other markets and now they are taking it one step further where you can't even see a recently closed listing as it was just moments before. All you see is the first image in thumbnail form. Not even any additional images added. Bogus!
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