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Old 02-15-2008, 09:15 PM
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Default February Net54 VBCF contest

Posted By: leon

This month we have a prize of 12 months of free VIP membership to If you have a membership you can quit paying for 12 months or if you have paid you will get an additional 12 months for free.....Here are a few comments from Bobby Binder the owner....btw, Bobby is an advertiser on Net54 so he already has paid dues on an ad blurb.... is the hobby's authoritative sports card price guide that is based solely on prices realized on eBay and major auction houses. Since we first launched in the summer of 2006, we have come a long way by adding a number of exciting developments that continue to solidify our stance as the realistic price guide that is based only on fact.
.... When we first started we covered only Pre-war baseball and have now expanded to cover Football, Basketball, Hockey, Boxing and Golf from 1860—1989. We are in the process of adding a Non-sports card section that will be available very soon.
.... VCP was the first to introduce a truly global Want List system that sends email auction alerts to those seeking cards on eBay. Shortly after launching the Want List feature, Mile High, Mastro, Huggins & Scott, Barry Sloate, Clean Sweep and Goodwin auction houses joined with VCP in offering their listings to our members' Want Lists. To make these various live listings easier to access, we implemented a new feature called the GIN which stands for "Get It Now" that displays a list of
pending auctions. This feature is found on the card profiles, set list profiles, search results and other pages. Now we are making available the BIN listings on eBay with the eBay stores soon to follow.
.... There is now a LIVE Listings area in your Want List section that shows all of the current auctions running for cards you are looking to add to your collection. This LIVE listings area is customizable so that you may view by the groups you created with various sort options including end times.
.... Recent developments on the web site include an expansion of market data that includes the buyer, seller, number of bids and the ability to view the images of the card that sold in the auction and remains viewable even after the link dies out.
.... We have grown by listening to our members and the suggestions they give to make it a better and more user friendly site. We pride ourselves on customer service and try our best to accommodate any way we can.
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Closest to the ending price shipping or anything else included. One edit per guess/post is allowed. I get to decide any issues and all decisions are final. Contest ends at 12pm EST, which is board time, on 2-17-08....Any rules that are broken and you will be disqualified....

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