Thread: Ted Wiliams
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Old 02-24-2011, 06:55 PM
TheSquire TheSquire is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by murphusa View Post
I can express an opinion, from my experience with Ted Williams items I have seen, owned etc in over 50 years of collecting.

Mr. Williams signature, even after his strokes had a very natural flow to it. He did not use points as shown on the pictured example.

While this signer followed the structure of Mr. Williams flow in the bottom part of the signature, he did not do the same at the top of each letter.

This is due in part to hesitation in ones writting skills and in the split second that he had to think about what he was doing.

You can do the same at home, take a pen and paper and have someone give you a difficult word to write. One that you have to think about how it is spelled. Even in your own handwritting, you will hesitate when you have to think about it thus causing the same minipulation as in the signature pictured above. Sorry it's human nature
With all due respect, there is nothing in the above statement that gives your opinion any credibilty. All you're telling me is how a person can forge a signature. So what? The T and the S are impeccable exemplars of an authentic Ted sig. Again, everyone wants a player to sign exactly the same way every single time and it's impossible. That's human nature.
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