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Old 03-05-2018, 08:43 PM
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Butch7999 Butch7999 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Western New York
Posts: 987

Dale/Irv, we totally agree with you that that's a "posed"/"picture day" shot, not "game action."
Beyond that, we're wide open as to who, what, and when -- could be as early as late '30s, as late as early '60s.
No particular clue tells us "vaguely '50s," just that that's in the middle of our date-range estimate -- the uniform,
the equipment, the hairstyle, the flash photography, all combine to give it that "feel."
Having stared into the void for a while, we begin to perceive signage of some sort high on the back wall
of the arena (upper right quarter of the photo) that might be a big help in narrowing down a timeframe and
the team -- if it could be read. Unfortunately, we can't enhance it nearly enough to decipher anything on it.

First feedback from our expert sources/contacts is of no help. Awaiting more and better...
-- the three idiots at
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