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Old 02-24-2006, 04:06 PM
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Default What do you guys think about..........Cardtarget

Posted By: Al Crisafulli

I think it's kinda cool. It's not for me, but it's kinda cool. Just another business concept.

This quote in Mike's explanation is the key, IMO: "We wrap it into a nice interface to make it more fun, pretty, and interesting and give users the look and feel of stock trading software, but it's still a sports card. "

I don't think anyone would go to that website and think it's something that it's not. It's people chipping in and buying a piece of a baseball card. It looks like the stock market, IMO, the same way that Monopoly looks like real estate. It's modeled after the basic concept, has a lot of the same bells and whistles, but I can't expect a dividend on a '39 Greenberg any more than I can move my family to my house on St. James Place.

Want a '52 Mantle but can't afford one? Chip in with 100 other people and buy a PSA 7 for $500.

To me, it seems more like timeshares than the stock market.

Not for me at all, but I can see how someone might think it's a cool concept. The world is filled with business models that appeal to some and yet not to others.


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