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Old 01-14-2019, 09:50 AM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 693

Just to answer most comments all in one post. I don't think its wrong for me to tell the story of how certain people acted at an event, who were working for the promotion. This isn't a situation where I reached out to the promoter (I guess Jimmy) to try to get a refund and he refused. I witnessed some very poor behavior and people being treated badly. Why can't I talk about that? I guess if I called Jimmy he could apologize for said behavior. That doesn't make what happened any better. Then where does that leave me? I shouldn't tell the story if he apologizes?

Like I said earlier, its not about the $30. It's not that athletes were late and people have to wait longer (this does happen all the time everywhere). It's people, who are also impacted by these inconveniences, being lectured and yelled at who haven't done anything to create this mess.
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