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Old 11-17-2006, 02:18 PM
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Default Anyone Know a Chet Woods?

Posted By: T206Collector a joke from Kids in the Hall. It's a phrase I use all the time. It's a joke. I was just asking for the initial poster there to give us some more context. And then I answered his question seriously anyway.

But I am the first person to admit that I have made off-handed comments about people's collecting habits, to be sure. But I never brought their personal name or other opinions into the discussion. If you would like to continue to be mean in this thread, or you think I deserve it or something, I guess that's your prerogative. I thought I would let you know that you may have crossed that line with me. But if you are comfortably over it, that's your business.

[Don’t flatter yourself…researching you, what because I looked at the T206 set registries and recognized your name I’m now your Internet stalker???]

I'll stand by my initial post on the subject. Pulling together my prior comments from various sources and then writing threads about them is more than most people care to do in casual internet banter. It doesn't make you a stalker yet, it is just questionably personal.

[Because I read you posts and disagreed with your views on things, I’m now out to get you??]

No. But I do appreciate your reading my posts. And remembering them very well.

[After reading that line above I think the real reason you don’t want to meet any of us in public, is the home your in wont let you out.]

Another personal attack. I answered that one of the reasons I did not want to meet people had to do with my own insecurities. Since you are an ace with the Net54 search feature, would you mind posting my final say on that topic here for sake of argument? It had to do with me feeling bad about my initial rant and then admitting I was wrong.

[We get it SGC rules PSA sucks; once again we get it Paul!]

Once again, I get that you get it Wonka!

[Bully you off the soapbox…no]


[asking you to give it a bit of a rest as we all get your thoughts on the subject by now yes.]

It was your tone that made it difficult to accept this pronouncement. Why do you constantly talk in the "we" about me? Who else dislikes me as you do? (If I acknowledge there are others, it's because I have an ego, right?)

[Card doctor, yep sure did I called anyone who worked on a card regardless of the methods used to increase the cards grade. Which for the record would end up in the card selling for more, and I pointed out anyone who doesn’t disclose such works upon sale was card doctor in my opinion. We’ve had this discussion, as for taking it up with Leon; I did in the last post he started on the subject, but thanks for throwing his name in the mix.]

I am just saying that it is a common dispute in the area of vintage cards. You brought it into this discussion to make it seem like I'm a horrible person, when it is a common and accepted thing in the industry. I am happy to have an intelligent discussion about why the removal of a card from a scrapbook or erasing a pencil number or name from the reverse in an effort to improve the appearance of a card and, yes, it's value, is not an impermissible alteration.

[What long rants about other collectors Paul? I’m calling BS on you on this one, find one.]

Now I'm stuck. Either I spend time doing research a la Wonka to see what I can find on him, or I just stand by my initial recollection that your posts were very interesting -- and I remember siding on your side on a few of them. But we are talking years ago, since you have not been a regular contributor in quite a while. You should not take my lack of interest to find what I remember enjoying to read as an admission that you never wrote something that was fun to read about others collecting habits.

[But I have read enough of your commentaries to come to a conclusion about you.]

Let me try your line of argument on this one: "Wonka, you don't like me. We get it. Let it go."

[Once again don’t flatter yourself offend me? No, bore me to death with your same diarrhea of the mouth regarding your love for SGC and how PSA is the anti-Christ, and all PSA cards aren’t worth the plastic there in and SGC, and SGC blah blah. Big yes on that one.]

So you respond to people that bore you by raising your personal issues with their comments in a series of posts? Once again, you are dodging the subject. Saying that I may have offended someone is not flattering myself anymore than saying that I have bored someone is flattering myself.

I am mostly flattered that you have spent your afternoon writing with me about my behavior on the Net54 board. When I first began reading this Board it was your posts that I often found myself identifying with. Your absence weakened the strength of this Board. I am happy that I encouraged you to participate today, unfortunately it was at my expense.

I guess we could go on and on here. I was hoping that I had learned something from all of this. I guess I should be more careful about throwing around anti-PSA drivel, but we'll have to see what kinds of PSA threads are written in the future.

Mostly, I am a little sad that an important member of the Board that I once respected has no respect for me. I guess having strong opinions about vintage baseball cards will sometimes lose the respect of others.

p.s. I couldn't resist. I got this e-mail from a Net54 collector on August 29, 2006:

"Stake out a sensible middle position like I have and now I am getting pounded from both sides!! Having [collector A] and Wonkaticket attacking me as some defender of card doctoring is pretty ironic, to say the least. Very entertaining though."

p.p.s. I found what I most recently remembered -- it was your hostile posts directed at Adam J. Moraine. I identified with those for sure. We all did, if I rememeber correctly. And there is a strange parallel between your comments to Mr. Moraine and your comments to me. But I don't think what my positions on cards, etc. has crossed that line, has it?

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