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Old 09-09-2018, 07:52 PM
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Lucio Barbarino
Lu.cio Barb.arino
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 1,040

This is what I've always been confused about. When, assuming a card is NOT altered, is a card an A vs a 1?? If it's not altered why wouldn't it just be a 1?

Originally Posted by drcy View Post
The amount and type of restoration is relevant to judgment and valuation. Not all restoration (in amount and type) is viewed the same. In fact, if a card (or anything) is too restored, it may not be considered an original, or entirely original, item.

It just says that the AUTH grade is one indicator and doesn't, and doesn't proport, to say everything. Should an AUTH grade say more-- such as the type and amount of restoration or alteration, or why it wasn't graded? That's an argument. On the other hand, the AUTH grade simply says the card is authentic-- and in fact some unaltered cards do get that grade.
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