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Old 12-18-2018, 05:34 PM
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Lucio Barbarino
Lu.cio Barb.arino
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Are you going to have an aneurysm over this??
Originally Posted by mrvster View Post

I really hope I'm not hogging this thread.....

I feel a restoration like this turns the card or should I say"MORPHS" the card into a "CREATION"........

rolling out a wrinkle, pulling a layered corner back , writing on a card, erasing a part, soaking in WATER, .......this has gone on since cards were collected, they technically really don't effect the original intergrity of the card( I know writing and erasing is borderline)....

BUT- "recreating" a card basically like this "Franken wag" is unacceptable...

it no longer becomes a T206.....

it's like a transgender cardboard....

where did the cardboard come from to add to the border???? conservator you would hope used another T206 like Chance ....??? but he could have used toilet paper for all we know!

point is pure and simple- once you start adding "foreign items" - glue, ink, is no longer authentic....


simple has become "other than T206"

a new creation...

question.....if this was done to a HEINIE WAGNER- would SGC or PSA slab it as AUTHENTIC RESTORED??????????????


this is crazy talk.....I'm losing it!

if we accept this , it opens the flood gates...

if I have a slabbed jeter foil graded with added tin foil, its a shit card to me! should never be graded as authentic card! it is reengineered....

the Wagner is a natural beauty that someone took a shit on!

forget about the pig and lipstick analogy....

I apologize for saying this, and NO DISRESPECT to the owner CONGRATS~!

I need to say this......

am I jealous??? yes, anyone would love to own even a piece of a wagner, its my dream, but looking at this is like taking that Farah Faucet poster and adding fake tits on her and reprinting it....sure looks great! but wait until you feel them

my apologies for being so graphic

John Vanderbeck
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