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Old 08-23-2018, 11:29 PM
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Greg C
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 575

If you read my previous posts, I have only stated the facts of the unfortunate scenario. It sounds like something out of a B movie and it angers me to think somebody got me with my guard down.

The Mantle was passed around at the ice cream stand. We all parted ways without me saying “WHERE IS MY EFFING CARD”. Moments later, I am minus 1 mantle rookie.

These are the FACTS of what happened. I will not offer any specific “opinions” about this issue publicly on this forum. It is unfortunate this had to happen. All I can say to everyone who reads this is to learn from my mistake. Make sure you are spatially aware of your items at all times. They can and will spontaneously grow legs.

As for the Vader character, I reached out to her on a direct message and got no
reply. With all the clowning that goes on through this forum, I would not be surprised if it was someone sitting behind a keyboard having some fun at my expense. I salute you, troll.

This is Greg, signing off. Everybody just keep an eye out for my card. That’s all I ask. Have a good weekend.
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