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Old 09-16-2017, 05:54 AM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Up from 129 to 135 negatives in less than 15 days. Do you still think this guy isn't a bad seller and isn't intentionally trying to rip people off?
Like I said in my previous post I've avoided this seller based on feedback. My buddy bought a card and told me this was the seller. I said "good luck". This was his third transaction with him so he had 1 bad out of 3. How many people don't get their cards but get a refund and don't leave negatives. I bet a lot. And I disagree that people are more likely to leave a negative than a positive. I've left one negative in around decade of doing eBay for an item that never arrived that had no tracking. I've bought dozens of cards that are much lower condition than described. I usually chalk it up as a loss. Sometimes I'll complain in a message to the seller and sometimes we work it out and sometimes not. If we don't I just don't leave feedback. I just bought a Brett rookie for about 15% of book with a "very light crease". Turns out the card is basically bent not slightly creased. The seller has 100% positive feedback and seems honest. I hate the card but based on the minimal amount spent I'm moving on with no negative. For me to give a negative it has to be really bad.

Why don't companies like battersbox and gregmorriscards have more negatives? They do as many transactions and self grade their raw cards. The 99.1% is actually deceivingly high in my opinion. I choose to stay away.
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