Thread: Jay!
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:55 AM
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Default Jay!

Posted By: Kevin Cummings

While I am all for accepting only our fair proportional share of the moron population, since the board does not receive federal funding I don't think we can count on our elected officials force us to deal with more than we are willing to bear.

Since the board amounts to a dictatorship (benevolent, of course) our fearless leader can enforce any quotas he wants.

Just so we are all on the same page, the IQ scale below (somewhat dated) has been provided. If we're wanting to keep the moron population to a minimum, by definition we are trying to regulate imbeciles and idiots as well. But where should we draw the line?

140+ Genius or near genius
120 - 140 Very superior intelligence
110 - 120 Superior intelligence
90 - 110 Normal or average intelligence
80 - 90 Dullness
70 - 80 Borderline deficiency
69.01 - 69.99 MAROON
50 - 69 Moron
20 - 49 Imbecile
1 - 19 Idiot

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