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Old 11-06-2018, 07:10 AM
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Default Phone Pics are almost always too large

When pictures/scans won't load to our system 99% of the time they are too large. Pictures from phones are several Megabytes usually. That is way, way too large to upload to our system. If they are made smaller they work fine. I usually upload them from My Documents picture folder from my pc. That way, as mentioned, they can be opened in MS paint and downsized or rotated as need be. We have limited the size scans/photos our system accepts (to downsize) on purpose. I recommend a flat bed scanner for images...These guys are arguing about something else.

Originally Posted by Jobu View Post
Another thing to keep in mind for future net54 use, if you post cards by linking to them rather than actially uploading a picture, as soon as you change that link, take the card down from you image host, etc, the photo on net54 will no longer work. (At least I think this is why old threads are so full of missing photos.) So, as someone who likes to do research by reading old threads, I am always in favor of actual photo uploads to net54 so that threads will remain useful.
Leon Luckey
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