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Old 08-13-2002, 08:54 AM
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Default This no longer a joke

Posted By: Dr.Koos

..not only mine, but the ones that I was directly responding to. MY responses were geared towards my vigilante mob's mindset in the posts that immediately preceeded them. At first, light and humorous, and then as they became MORE frustrated because they realized that they were spinning their wheels trying to win a war of words with ME, downright combative in an unpleasant manner. I shoot straight from the hip. I have no middle ground. Brutal honesty. And I respond unpleasantly to barbs, accusations, and threats. NOBODY does that to me in person, and I'll be damned if I was going to stand for these Keyboard Warriors lashing out here from the safety of their home. If you recall, my answer about how "sad my life must be, as I sit and merrily masturbate......" was, "'s a horrible life, but when I'm sad I just take a nice ride in one of my $100K+ Benzs, a trip to the gym and rocket 550lbs+ off my chest, or if I feel like female companionship, get free take out from any Upscale club I choose, free of charge, just by wearing a tank top". Let's think about this for one second: Did you ever wish that you had a prestigious position that NETTED you $500K+ per year, without EVER HAVING TO SELL 1 item? Did you ever wish you OWNED a car that made you smile every time you put it in Drive? EVERYBODY's worked out at one time or another, didn't you ever wish just once, that you could experience what it would feel like to load 5 plates on each side of the bar (495), get under it and smoke 5 or 6 reps? Ever see a woman in a 7-11, or Starbucks, or nightclub, that you WISH you could "get with"? TELL ME YOU HAVEN'T Charles and I'll call you a liar, and I don't believe you are a liar. It's called DRIVE. The desire to succeed overriding a person's natural tendencies to do tomorrow what SHOULD be done today! Now if someone in a trailerpark, netting $4800 a year in welfare wishes to tell me "HOW SORRY THEY ARE FOR ME", I'm going to tell them that they don't have to worry...AND WHY! Julie felt repugnant by my answer and added, "She would NEVER marry me". But, who the hell asked her?
I didn't come from out of nowhere, attacking people unprovokedly. I ANSWER POSTS THAT ATTACK ME, mostly on a PERSONAL level, and since THE POSTS are unpleasant, my answers are unpleasant as well. Whenever someone makes at least SOME sense, like you did with your post, I go out of my way to answer truthfully and courteously (review some of the sane questions I've been asked for an example). This PRO issue was a SMOKESCREEN, nothing else. Board members venting their wrath over ME, not so much the cards. If it was about PRO, where's the premeditated Ebay retractions on all the OTHER Pro cards listed on Ebay in the past 6 months?

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