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Old 09-28-2015, 12:17 AM
Kevin.Shenker Kevin.Shenker is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by travrosty View Post
What happened is you got a raw deal and someone screwed you over, so you decided to pass the screw onto someone else that you made a deal with. that is wrong. if someone backed out on your deal, you DONT back out on the deal you subsequently made. that deal was not dependent on whether or not you received your card from the first guy as far as cozmo is concerned. That wasn't your deal with him. When you make a deal and you don't have the card in hand from the first guy, YOU are assuming that risk. Why are you putting that risk on the next guy??? What's wrong with you?

You needed to honor your deal and then deal with the first guy and not ruin cozmo's day while yours is saved. the first guy didn't screw over cozmo, he screwed you over, so why pass it along to the next innocent party. Be a man. Not sure what you can do? Honor your deal. It's a big pet peeve of mine when people do that. You should be kicked out for doing that. Who needs that?
I would say this is a perfect assessment of the situation. You definitely passed the bad goods along.
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