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Old 11-04-2020, 07:09 PM
mrmopar mrmopar is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 1,576

I ended up tracking down Jerry Jonas and had a nice phone conversation with him. He told me what he could recall about the sets. I had been fascinated by the set because I saw it listed in a price guide when I was younger and just starting to collect. Plus it had a Koufax, and the Dodgers were my team. I figured I would never find any, but ended up hitting the jackpot.

I got my sheet and a cut up set from the same person, a former executive with a MLB team who was employed around that time. He was a big card collector, so no surprise that he ended up with the sets. I also ended up with the folder and paperwork from the same man later on, that I featured in my blog about the issue.


Here is the follow up article I wrote after speaking with Jonas directly.


Originally Posted by sflayank View Post
as I've always believed eventually everything shows up
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30 years for a red correct mantle armour and then 10
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Took me 20 years for sal yvars 54 hunterS
60 years to see the missing dice gsmes
Still haven't seen 1/2 set of opc tattoos...they exist but where are they
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Still haven't seen 3/4 of the felin franks
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How many jerry Jonas have u seen?
50 years to see cheri baas cola
50 years for the plaks
Somewhere someone has these cards just a matter of when and where they turn up
Looking for: Unique Steve Garvey items, select Dodgers Postcards & Team Issue photos

Last edited by mrmopar; 11-04-2020 at 07:14 PM.
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