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Old 09-12-2011, 10:03 PM
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rainier2004 rainier2004 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Spartan Country, MI
Posts: 2,040

....maybe im sending the wrong message here? Im not looking to screw anyone outta a deal, or do anything i havent agreed to by being willing to sell the card. If payment came this moment it would be in the mail, insured tomorrow. MY QUESTION was how long do i have to wait before i can close the matter w/ ebay thus keeping my card? I do not consider it immoral to not email the guy for payment...he bid, he can pay. Also, the complaint would be to start clock on payment and not to slander the buyer. I am extremeley honest, but play by the rules and look for those that apply to me. I could not find the exact time on ebay and brought it here...I just want to know the rules.
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