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Old 01-15-2014, 01:25 PM
sylbry sylbry is offline Sylv.est3r
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 229

Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
Geee who does that sound like?

Hmmm I think I know another guy who did the same thing....that guy is still alive and hides behind a website. Only to pop up from his hole of legal troubles point fingers at others plead the fifth tuck his tail and runaway.

Easy to drag a dead man thru the mud like Halper when you're an alive scam artist who has yet to come clean on his fraud.

Once again I will issue a public challenge to Peter Nash if Peter is willing to acknowledge and answer publicly the very well-known claims about his past and present then maybe I could take him seriously.

I guess I should expect Pete's article on his own creations and frauds any day now Bryan be sure to let me know when Peter writes that article.

Sorry Barry. I missed the part where you were involved. (See my comment on him inserting people who do not belong there.) When I think Nash and Barry I think Halper. My apologies.

I am aware of Nash and his legal troubles. However I am still able to see Nash is doing some good for the hobby. Whatever his motives, I don't care.

As for Halper, his name wouldn't be drug through the mud if he was honest. And as far as I can tell Halper never came clean on his fraud either. But he's dead... so all is good, right?
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