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Old 05-23-2014, 04:55 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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Default honestly

I'm for B or C but in looking at the label in the light of day (better scan of it) - it's not that bad and I suppose I could live with it without too much of a problem. I'd still prefer my set to be "matched" as far as the housing and framing elements. They are in a case by my desk as I like to look at my cards now and then - the uniformity of the display as well as the black background of the SGC holders allows the focal point to be the cards.
That being said, with SGC as my grader of choice for the few sets I have graded - bringing out a new holder without some process in place for for measuring consumer reaction (maybe they did but they never asked me or mom!) - when coupled with the somewhat cringe-worthy vg/x-ish looking 92 posted earlier (and it was posted over and over again in 4/5 replies) - makes me a bit embarrassed. Anyone who knows me at all - will tell you that's saying something. A bit off the point of the thread but how the hell does that get a nm/mt+ grade with those corners? There are plenty of mistakes out there from all the major TPG's. For the record I have a file with a few scans of SGC and PSA blunders. The SGC ones made their way into the file mostly by happenstance - the PSA ones I've grabbed from various sources solely to post when Jerry S. posts his SGC mistakes :-)
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