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Old 11-06-2019, 05:12 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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It’s become readily apparent that none of the leading hobby businesses care a lick about the consumer, who happens to be their life-blood. Only dollars, market share and profits resonate with them. So unfortunately it is us collectors who have to look out for one another.

I don’t know what a booth at the National costs. But if someone at BODA can get it off the ground, I’ll contribute $100 towards the continuous loop video showing the thousands of examples of altered cards in PSA Slabs. Given PSA’s money, power and status within the Industry, I’m sure they’d find a way to squelch it very quickly (similar to how they censor/delete valid concerns in their own Forum).

Even though we’re all well versed on the problems and corruption, I would estimate that 98% of submitting collectors remain unaware. This could help to spread the word far better than anything that’s been done to date. It would have bigger impact in Chicago than AC, so there’s about a year and a half to get it going, should someone at BODA want to take it on.

Last edited by perezfan; 11-06-2019 at 05:14 PM.
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