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Old 03-24-2022, 01:02 PM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
I fully admit I know very little about law other than what I don't like about it, lol.

As for taxes, other than hating them to my core I know again...nothing. I was just telling the wife that its well past time to hire a professional planner to keep as little out of the greedy hands of the politicians and keep as much as possible in our wallet

Our incomes have changed drastically since we met and I find it shocking how easy it is to double your income, but actually have less than you made prior once they start up the siphon. You are definitely needed in this world Bob!

(I feel no one ever needs my expertise...not many mortgage discussions on this forum, lol.)
Don't worry Justin, I hate law as well, especially tax law. LOL It is often a complicated, confusing, and seemingly ever-changing mess.

And I tip my hat to you. I've worked with many loan/mortgage officers over the years, and know exactly all the pain-in-the-a$$ crap you've had to go through since the 2008 real estate mortgage loan debacle and meltdown. The way the government regulations cracked down on those trying to get a loan after 2008 was insane. And very few people realize the extent and changes that came as a result. I always felt the government didn't direct as much blame and punishment towards the proper groups and parties involved as they should have. For example, a lot of the problems seem to have been caused by the improper ratings placed on CDOs sold internationally, especially in Europe. Yet I never really heard of any retribution by Moody's or Standard and Poor's for their maybe not-so-accurate credit ratings on all those bundled loan obligations being sold before the 2008 crash.

By the way, please tell me you don't work for Mr. Cooper. That has got to be the dumbest name for a mortgage loan company I ever heard of. LOL

Otherwise, if you ever do have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll try to help.

P.S. Just a thought for you and your wife regarding taxes. Do you look at filing them both jointly and separately to see which is more beneficial? Filing jointly usually produces the lowest federal tax bill, but depending on many factors it can sometimes save you money to file separately.

Last edited by BobC; 03-24-2022 at 01:12 PM.
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