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Old 03-23-2019, 02:17 AM
Volod Volod is offline
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Originally Posted by mrmopar View Post
It is a real issue for anyone who cares about what might become of the things they have accumulated and thoroughly enjoyed (or loved) and although the odds are in the favor of living a decent amount of time, you just never know. Over the years I have seen a few members of boards like this die much younger than you'd expect. Sometimes it is a disease or sickness, but sometimes it is just a major stroke of bad luck. I saw recently that one of those killed in the Aurora, IL shooting several weeks back was an active hobbyist and frequented at least one board like this, maybe more. He was in his early 30s if I recall correctly. You just never know and unless you are extremely organized or have others who share the same concern and are willing to help, many of us will probably not be ready to direct someone properly when that time comes.

Reminded me of something that made an impression many years ago. In the 70's, I managed a retail electronics store that catered to hobbyists of many different stripes. One of my best customers was a guy in his late forties who was an avid model train enthusiast. As a fairly flush individual, he had probably tens of thousands invested in his hobby, and he was in the store placing an order for several hundred bucks worth of new supplies one day and spoke expansively of working with his young son on the new stuff. After his order arrived and had sat in will-call for a couple of weeks, I called his home and was told that he had died suddenly the week before. Massive coronary obstruction. It's hard to get that kind of thing out of your head when you're inclined to believe in your own immortality.
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