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Old 07-05-2016, 02:19 PM
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Tripredacus Tripredacus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Buffalo
Posts: 339

The stories of uninterested or non-hobby people finding a rare card are rare. They get a lot of press sometimes but that doesn't mean much of anything. For everyone else it comes down to looking through tons of "junk" or other things before you can find something. I go to sales and shops and whatnot all the time and have seen my share of stuff I'm not interested in. You won't find anything if you don't look at everything. Unless you are SUPER lucky and something just falls into your lap.

I personally do not like to look for anything specific. I look for general things and take what I get. Sometimes its common stuff, sometimes its not. Most times I encounter genuinely rare items, they are obscure to the point where their rarity is not a guage of their value. What I mean is that the market for some things do not exist. They are literally rare but have no perceived value because no one collects that particular thing or knows that it exists.
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