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Old 01-28-2018, 05:49 AM
cubman1941 cubman1941 is offline
Jim Boushley
Jim Bou.shley
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Kingsport Tennessee
Posts: 1,336

The 1939 1941 1942 and 1943 Cubs photos were all 6 1/2 x 9. The 1944 ones were 6 x 8 1/2 and the identifying feature on the 1939 was that they used textured paper according to the last SCD (2013) I have.
I have found it difficult to separate the 1942 from the 1941 so had taken
people's word. However, I finally ran into a dealer who, when asked, said
he didn't know the difference. I decided to see if I could find the difference
between the 1941 and 1942. I checked the 1941 and 1942 Cubs Players books I have, wrote to the Cubs asking if they had Opening Day Rosters, and contacted another Cubs guy who has a web page. The Player Books didn't help as they were from Spring Training. The Cubs never got back to me and the other Cubs guy couldn't help either. I found players who were with the Cubs in 1941 and not 1942 so that makes them in the 1941 Cub Pack. I found the players who were with the Cubs starting in 1942 so those are definitely 1942. The rest I suspect are 1941 photos used also for 1942 since we were at war and film was probably at a premium. I concluded the Cubs re-used 1941 photos in 1942 for those players who were with them in 1941 to save on supplies. They also may have had some photos left over so it was cheaper and easier to re-use them rather than take new photos.
Then I found a site that listed 1941 Cubs Team Issue and 1942 Team issue
check lists. I used these also as a starting point. Lot of information which probably doesn't help at all except to confirm this is from a Cubs picture pack
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