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Old 04-26-2017, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
When you purchase a card from someone here or an A/H, do they ask what your plans are with the card?

Odd question, imo, Jake.
Originally Posted by vintagerookies51 View Post
Getting real tired of the negativity on this board. Stephen isn't asking you to donate to a gofundme for him to get a '52 Mantle. He's announcing a challenging project that he's taking on, just in case anyone is interested in trading. If you're not, move on to a new thread! It's that simple.

By no means is he asking for $1,000 cards in exchange for a $500 card. I participated in this trading, and was very pleased. If someone is looking for a card that doesn't come up for sale often and this guy has it, of course they are going to pay (trade) a premium for it! You're not spending any money, after all.
Exactly why I said what said! Stephen, not once, that I read, asked anyone to go out of their way to sell/trade their cards for less value, take a hit, lose, swallow, give up anything in order for him to obtain a 52 Mantle.

If people read it that way and were willing to take a loss on a card(s) in order to help him out, then my hats off to you, but that is not what he was asking anyone to do.
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