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Old 05-04-2011, 06:44 PM
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Jim R
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Maryland
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I am referring to the backs lists as being inaccurate. You have cards on confirmed lists that don't exist and cards on no print lists that do exists. Clerical errors happen when your compiling this much information, and confirming cards simply by posts or emails opens yourself up to bad inputs. But what bothers me most is when I have come to you with subjects/players that do not belong on the list, you have gone to great lengths, even crossed ethical lines to prove to me a card exists when it doesn't. Why? Because you have claimed on more than one occasion to have completed sets with these front/back combos that don't exist.

You claimed to have completed the Sweet Caporal 150 No.649 OP set of 35 cards. Simon Nicholls shouldn't be on this list, but you can't remove it because you claim to have owned it. Keeping it on the list continues to put bad information out to collectors but removing it means you never owned it.

Here is a "Mission Accomplished" thread for an American Beauty 460 set of 70 cards. You claim to own these 70 cards. "So, it's taken me 4 years to acquire 70 cards." 3 cards on this list do not exist with an American Beauty 460 back. John Frill is on this list of 70 that you acquired yet within the last year you claimed the card was a no print until a scan was posted that proved otherwise. How does a card go from being in your collection to a no print?

Recently you again claimed to complete the American Beauty 460 subset of now 75 cards. 75 is accurate this time. When asked by several board members to bring the AB 460 set to the Oaks show you gave no response. I came to you Saturday at the show to talk reasonably and see this set. You claim to have sold 28 cards including the Cobb for 4k Friday night. Other members including Leon L, Dan M and John M were at the show Friday and you could have shown them the set but you didn't. Simply put you can't show what you don't have. Why is it that you can scan sheets of uncut Bowman's yet you don't have scans of all 75 ABs or the Simon Nicholls 649?

Several collectors have been working for years on these lists, they were shared with you privately and you posted them and took full credit. But it's not the credit that bothers me, it's the inaccuracies and perpetuation of known bad information.

I won't sit and point out all of the mistakes on every list as some are close and others have mistakes into the double digits. Most importantly I won't give any credibility to these list knowing the dishonesty that has taken place in creating them.

I do have the lists that I work from and will be happy to help anyone that is working on a project that needs an accurate list. I'm hoping in the near future to have the lists in a format I can share with everyone.

I realize anyone can make a mistake it's what you do when that mistake is brought to your attention that matters.
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