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Old 04-15-2013, 09:55 PM
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Ken Madden
Ken.neth D. M@dden
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Little Egypt
Posts: 577

I have never run a marathon but used to run 5 to 10 miles at decent times. Now pushing 59 years of age with terrible knees and feet not so much. I can imagine though. You push yourself as hard as you can and you want to give up but you have people cheering for you that never met you. Or you are on the sidewalk cheering your dad or friend or cousin or whatever. And then BOOM from some retardo that thinks he is making some kind of heroic stand. Yeah, big hero with a noble cause. He can be miles away and kill kids and innocent people. Sure advances your cause. We'll all take notice now. And hopefully in ten years fry your sorry ass in the electric chair. I hope they forget to wet the sponge.
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