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Old 01-17-2016, 12:56 PM
minibatsman minibatsman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 224
Default Hank Gowdy bat

The one thing that I dont understand is why he was even considered for a bat.
Gowdy played 100? games between 1910 - 1913 with 2 teams.
As much as you are looking for information so am I.
In my opinion how does Gowdy qualify for a decal bat in 1914 first good year.
Does he have a card before that I don't no couldn't afford it if he does.
So I believe your bat is very important to helping putting date,s to these bats?.
A 12 inch H&S Gowdy same decal is available today and the seller could honestly say the bat is from the 1910 - 1915 period.
I feel because of your bat I could tell this person that his H&S bat is from 1914-15 this is important to me. dosnt realy matter to him
Can I say the same thing about a 12 inch H&S cobb bat. I could but I might be wrong. were the decals a one time purchase from P&F or was there other purchase.s I cant find a second one. I have a reach Harry Davis decal bat and a burly bat from 1908-1912 who made those decals?
I no that the -.- Collins decal was part of a set that came with wagner and cobb. I have the sheet. Becouse of your bat I will say the Collins ,wagner and cobb of this design were made in 1914?.
I cant say the same about other decal bats from H&S or H&B there are different designs and are placed differently on the bats.
To me these bats are very undervalued and the only way to increase the value of them is for more collectors to get involved. I would trade my 1914? 12 inch cobb bat for a 1914 cobb card just a $10,000 dollar difference. and there are more cobb cards than there are Cobb bats.
A Ty Cobb decal bat is 10 times rarer and better looking than his card? just my opinion.

Last edited by minibatsman; 01-17-2016 at 12:59 PM.
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