Thread: On the easel...
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Old 02-14-2018, 01:13 PM
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Graig Kreindler
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1,421

Mark, I know how much you love that Williams photograph. In the end, I have no idea who it went to after Henry's auction. Somehow I was able to land a nice enough scan of it to work from, and as you can imagine, was excited as all hell to do so. The client wasn't even super picky about what he wanted for his commission - just something that really screamed 'baseball'. As soon as I showed him the photograph, he knew it was the one right away. I'm just really glad that the painting came out well and he was happy!

Anywho, here are two more I got back from the photographers today:

Eppa Rixey, 1912, 16" x 12"

Ted Williams, April 20, 1939, 18" x 24"

The Rixey was such a breath of fresh air - I LOVE painting these more obscure guys. I wasn't able to find any definitive reference as to the colors of the font/trim of the Phillies jersey, but I took an educated guess knowing what they had worn years prior and a couple after 1912. I also made the client promise that if I finally did find a smoking gun that rendered my choice to be wrong, he'd send it back and allow me to make the change on the painting. Ya know, because I have issues.

For what it's worth, I'd done a few studies of the Williams, including a larger one many years back - I was excited to finally tackle the full-sized image. And though my photographers do a great job, I think in person, it's a lot better.

Anywho, hope y'all enjoy these two. And as per usual, feel free to share any thoughts/comments/questions or otherwise!

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