Thread: Zeenuts?
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Old 06-27-2006, 10:08 AM
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Default Zeenuts?

Posted By: Mark Macrae

Nice thread....... Joe- Frank's advice is a great summary. I'd recommend the Carlos Bauer PCL Encyclopedia over Snelling's book as it is more comprehensive. Caution about the facts, there are errors in both books.....Fred - Most expensive Zeenut does not mean most valuable Zeenut...Think about it...It will take most collectors 5-10 years to understand that statement.....Andrew - The 1933-36 and 1937-38 sets are lumped together as they feature an identical design. Once the coupon has been removed, with very few exceptions, there is no way of distinguishing them apart. 1938's did not have coupons, although a good percentage of surviving '37's have a clean seperation on the bottom edge........ Paul - While I'll agree with you most of the time regarding "Vertical / Horinzontal" designation, in this case there are two different Baker cards in the 1912 set, so such a designation is actually helpful.... Andy - While you are correct on 1918 being one of the toughest years, there are two complete sets documented in the hobby. That is, until a new variation or pose turns up.. ...Tom - 1928, 1931 and 1933 Sepia would probably be the easiest sets to collect, although as you correctly point out, "easiest" is not the right word....

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